Larry, the 1951 Chevy 5 window

This was a fun, excited, exhausting, stiffening and really AWESOME buy of a truck for us. I came across a more repaired truck than we usually buy but and with my buddy and Dad in town for the weekend figured why not go for a ride. Every one if these truck purchases is a story, this was certainly one to add to the list. The older fella that was selling it told us it had been in the backyard of his house for a decade, I would say more based on the 3″ tree that Dad had to chew threw with a dull electric chain saw blade to allow the truck out. Some trucks take time to name, this one was almost immediate. As the old timer was (this isn’t a joke) was trying to pull the truck with a small riding mower and we three were pushing it, all we kept saying was “sent it Larry!” So with that, I introduce you to Larry.
**Note**the posts are from the bottom up; all new photos are on top, oldest on bottom**

Post 3.

Update on Larry: we did a little motor work, tranny clean up, oil change and some new lines run. Definitely some more kinks to work out but getting better!

This is not Pepto-Bismal so this is not a good thing. Tranny fluid in Larry was certainly flooded with water at some point.
Clean pan, new gaskets, flushed, and were ready!
New filter
Pulled the valve covers and found there is definitely more cleaning to do!
Pulled the cover to check the timing chain teeth and location, all looked really good
On time!
Swapped the harmonic balancer after we found one of the pulley threads was stripped
Found some more cleaning to do under the vale covers!
Looks and is gross, but we are a pro at cleaning now!
Everybody loves a before and after shot!
Looking and sounds good!

Post 2. Bumper & Tank

I am not a fan of flat steel beds…but for the short moment this will have to do
That bumper tho… looks GREAT!
Tank you, tank you very much
This might work… we’ll see tomorrow with the fittings

Post 1. Purchase

Looks like Darth Vader doesn’t it? shadow
Larry needed a bath
From sitting in the back yard it was FULL of green mold
The lawn mower that saved it all