This was a fun, excited, exhausting, stiffening and really AWESOME buy of a truck for us. I came across a more repaired truck than we usually buy but and with my buddy and Dad in town for the weekend figured why not go for a ride. Every one if these truck purchases is a story, this was certainly one to add to the list. The older fella that was selling it told us it had been in the backyard of his house for a decade, I would say more based on the 3″ tree that Dad had to chew threw with a dull electric chain saw blade to allow the truck out. Some trucks take time to name, this one was almost immediate. As the old timer was (this isn’t a joke) was trying to pull the truck with a small riding mower and we three were pushing it, all we kept saying was “sent it Larry!” So with that, I introduce you to Larry.
**Note**the posts are from the bottom up; all new photos are on top, oldest on bottom**
Post 3.
Update on Larry: we did a little motor work, tranny clean up, oil change and some new lines run. Definitely some more kinks to work out but getting better!
Post 2. Bumper & Tank
Post 1. Purchase